I had no brows, no eyelashes and patchy head

I had no brows, no eyelashes and patchy head

I suffer from a OCD known as Trichotillomania where ones pulls out hair in my case it was due to stress and I've been like this for the last 7 years of my life. it made me very insecure and I wouldn't be able to sit down with my family without wearing makeup let alone go to the corner shop.

When I started using QS my face was a blank canvas, literally no brows a patchy scalp and non-existent lashes. I know you said it was a no no to use on lashes but hey it works. I'm almost through my first bottle and I've seen a great difference all thanks to you Sehra your really do have magic in your hands.

I was ashamed and embarrassed hence I've not taken before pictures but honestly I can't thank you enough.

To say I had no brows or lashes for half of my life until now. I can't believe the change thank you Sehra and the QS Team the mix really works miracles.

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